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This is another data source that Tableau users are most probably familiar with, but this one is special for me, since it was created in honor of my father, an extraordinary geologist, who loved sharing his knowledge about rocks, minerals, faults, and the earth. I know he would have loved to see this dashboard, which shows all the recorded earthquakes between 1900-2014 of magnitude 6.0 or greater, according to the Richter scale. Viewers familiar with the main fault lines may notice that the areas with highest concentration of earthquakes are aligned with those fault lines. 


Hovering over each mark displays more information about each earthquake, such as location, year, and magnitude. The viewer may also zoom in desired locations or use the search function on the upper left corner to search for a specific location. The marks with the darkest shades of red indicate the most recent earthquakes (as of 2014), while the darkest shades of gray indicate the earthquakes closest to 1900.

Published on June 2nd, 2017 by Miguel Becerra

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