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links of interest

The following section presents links of interest to resources that I have found useful to learn more about data visualization, data analytics, and other topics, as well as links to great data visualizations by other authors.
Online Courses and Tutorials:
  • Tableau: General info on Tableau, download link, plus great free online tutorials
  • Lynda: Great online lessons on everything from data analytics to graphic design. You can get a free membership for Lynda with a San Francisco Public Library account.
  • Coursera: Online courses on various topics from different universities
  • Youtube: Plenty of free tutorials on pretty much everything!
Data Visualization Samples:​
  • FiveThirtyEight: Nate Silver's famous statistical analyses on elections, politics, economics, sports, sciences, and other topics.
  • Florida Police Shootings: Interactive visualizations from the Tampa Bay of police shooting black civilians and comparisons with other races
  • Gapminder Tools: Awesome interactive longitudinal bubble charts and maps, where the user can compare different variables, such as GDP, CO2 emissions, mortality rates, life expectancy, and other variables, for different nations
  • Mapping Police Violence: Data visualizations of civilians shot by police officers
  • Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Interactive visualization of drone strikes in Pakistan between 2004-2015, and a reminder of who the victims of drone strikes were.
  • Pantheon: Great historical interactive data visualizations of globally famous biographies throughout different time periods and nations
Articles on Data Visualization:
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